Thursday 9 June 2016

Outdoor Challenge Day 6

Monday started off pretty chilly and windy but as usual, we all made the best of it. We decided to keep warm by getting active. The students used a variety of tools to create their own obstacle course.

Then we gathered under our shelter for snack. This is always such a nice time of the day to come together and chat and relax for a bit. 

While we were in our shelter we noticed that there was some garbage on the ground. Then we noticed that there was lots of garbage! We decided to get some supplies and clean up our school outdoor classroom!

We continue to spend some time every day doing Discovery Time. Throughout the two weeks the materials have changed and been added to. This week students have been weaving with natural objects and continue to be very interested in sand and bubbles.

We try to end every day with some reflective writing time. 

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