Sunday 1 March 2015

Moving Towards Inquiry-Based Learning: A Kindergarten Tale

This weekend we (Mrs. Lowe and Ms. Dowd) had the pleasure of presenting at the Byte (Build Your Teaching Experience) conference in Brandon, Manitoba.

We presented on our journey towards teaching using an inquiry-based approach. Over the past three years we have tried to move away from traditional theme-based teaching to a more inquiry-based approach.

Follow the link to see presentation notes.

Moving Towards Inquiry-Based Learning: A Kindergarten Tale

Our Journey Towards Inquiry-Based Learning: A Kindergarten Tale - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

1 comment:

Mrs. MacPhee said...

Thanks so much for the workshop in Brandon last week. I liked the way you documented progress. I thought you said you used notability but when I downloaded it i couldn't figure out how that would work. It looked like you had a column with kid names and then links to their work, photos and notes. Can you explain? thanks