Tuesday, 2 October 2012


Today Mrs. Lowe wanted us to practice using our 5 senses. So we made popcorn. We ate the popcorn out of cups while we watched a movie about our 5 senses.

We also wrote a poem.

I see popcorn kernels exploding
I smell popcorn cooking
I hear a popping noise
I feel hot air
I taste popcorn!

"It was crazy when Mrs. Lowe took the plug out and one popcorn popped up." - Piper
"The popcorn was exploding!" - Ajaxx
"We used our sense of smell to smell the popcorn." - Oliver
"We had popcorn to eat." - Jaylan
"The popcorn exploded - Ka-pow!!" - Krystal
"It was fun watching the movie." - Kiera


cmacdonell said...

Room 8, I am "popping" with excitement that I get to see all of the neat things you've been working on in kindergarten. Your poem was very creative!

Mrs. Lowe said...

Thank you for writing this comment Mrs. Macdonell!