Wednesday 31 October 2012


Today was a great day in Kindergarten! In the morning the students were excited to test out their jack-o-lantern with the lights off.  They were having so much fun that they decided to play in the "dark and spooky" classroom.

After lunch we all changed into our costumes for a class photo. Everyone looked great!

Playing musical chairs
Thanks to everyone who sent snacks for our party! The students loved the fancy jello cups, homemade cupcakes, rainbow Twizzlers, and the enormous Rice Crispy snake!

Happy Halloween, stay safe out there everyone!


Anonymous said...

Dear room 8

I really like your blog it's so awesome, I really like how you made a jack o lantern this halloween
and Jessica told me that Ms. Alexander came.


Mrs. Lowe said...

Thank you for making this comment we really liked it. From Room 8