Monday, 5 November 2012

Medicine Wheels

Today Ms. Alexander came for her final visit. She showed us how to make real Medicine Wheels. We were really excited to put all of the beads on ourselves. When we were all done we added a photo of ourselves in the middle. 

When we were all finished Ms. Alexander taught us that there is no Aboriginal word for goodbye so instead we said "Meegwetch"which means "Thank You!"


Louise Fitzpatrick Leach said...

Hi there, I would like to subscribe to your blog but I can't find a place to do it! Hope you can help

Mrs. Lowe said...

Hi Louise, thanks for checking out our blog. I am so flattered that you would like to subscribe. I believe you can subscribe using the "Follow By Email" tab. If this doesn't work, please email and let me know and I'll do a little more research to figure it out.

Mrs. Lowe