Monday, 24 October 2016

Class Symbol

Last week we had an assembly where we were asked to bring an object that represented our class.

Presenting our thinking to the school. They wrote their own script!
The students put a lot of thinking into what we would bring.  First we brainstormed things we like to do and things we are good at.

We love to build.
We are kind.
We are a team.
We are all smart in different ways.
We love building with Lego.
We LOVE skyscrapers!

Hmm...this was going to be tricky.

Then someone suggested we build a tower out of Lego. Each student chose one piece of Lego to represent them. We worked as a team to add our pieces and "build" each other up (kindness).

The finished product.
In the end our Lego tower was beautiful and a real symbol of our class beliefs and values. I couldn't possibly be more proud of this amazing group of students!

Our tower displayed with the objects from all the other classes. 

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