Monday 16 September 2013

International Dot Day

September 15th is International Dot Day!

It all started with a wonderful little book written by Peter H. Reynolds. The book tells the story of student who is encouraged to be brave enough to "make her mark." This book inspires students to discover the artist inside of them.

In the morning we read "The Dot" and also looked at some famous dots by Wassily Kandinsy.
Squares with Concentric Rings by Wassily Kandinsky

In the morning we practiced drawing our own dots and rings with markers. Then in the afternoon, our Grade 4/5 buddies came to help us paint our dots on slices of wood.  We can't wait to show you the finished product.

You can find more information about Dot Day by visiting

How did you celebrate Dot Day?

1 comment:

Eva Dowd said...

Wow! I love your dot art! I can't wait to see the finished project.