Wednesday 19 March 2014

Planting Seeds: Part Two

Our seed inquiry is moving along! We have been taking really great care of our little seeds and we are noticing some changes happening.

I love hearing the excitement in the students voices when I bring in their plants everyday. They are looking closely and noticing lots of changes. Today I have recorded their observations to share with you! - Mrs. Lowe

"It's a flower!" -Mia

"It's lettuce!" -Danica

"This little guy is growing." -Ellie

"I can see green sprouts growing." -Gabriel

"They're food!" -Elryck

"This one's growing" - Gabriel

"It's dying, it's sick now." (looking at our gerbera daisy) -Elryck

"I see white things." (pointing to the fluffy seeds on the dying daisy) -Gabriel

"We didn't give it sun or water." -Danica

"Look at this, it's growing." (pointing to a sprout) -Mia

"The seeds are growing and I'm growing too!" -Jahmar

We have predicted that this is a bean plant.
"I noticed that a flower is coming out." -Cassie

"It's dying, we didn't put too much water and sun." (still looking at the daisy) -Gabriel

"It's growing UP!" -Bryce

"It's almost dead, it's turning into a grandma." (gerbera daisy) -Tayna

Oak tree, pea, pea.
"Poor flower." -Nevaeh

"This one's dying and these are growing." (pointing to new blooms under the leaves of the daisy) -Leah

"When they're growing we'll have much food. That's my treat!" -Elryck

We can't wait to see what will happen next!


Essy's Mom said...

Wow! Thats awesome that the little plants are getting sooo much love n tender care from you all. Keep up the great plant parenting.

Tayna said...

Best movies ever.