Tuesday 26 November 2013

WITS Problem Solving

Today in Kindergarten, we learned about using our WITS. Sometimes friends have trouble getting along. If someone is bothering you, there are many good and bad choices you can make. WITS is an acronym to remind students of various strategies to use when they get in a conflict. Check out the book we made about using our WITS.

 (It is important to choose the best strategy for the conflict you are having. If someone is getting hurt, always Seek Help)


Ms Couch said...

Dear Room 8,
I'm very glad to hear that you are learning to use your WITS! These are really good skills to help you even once you become an adult. I look forward to seeing you using these strategies in school and on the playground.

Anonymous said...

Kids, you're WITS will get you through life - Danica's Mom