Tuesday 11 December 2012

Exploring light and shadows

Wow, today was an exciting day in our classroom! We continued to explore light and shadows with books, puppets, cellophane paper, flashlights, lamps, and overhead projects.

Watching his bird's shadow fly.
Using a flashlight to make dancing lights on the ceiling.

Shadow puppets.

Exploring colours with cellophane paper.

Using the flashlights for telling stories around the "campfire."

We read some books about shadows. - Mercedez

We played campfire with flashlights. - Jessica

We made violet with the papers we can see through. I think we used green and purple together. - Kiara

We had fun learning about light. - Aaliyah

I made a dog with my hand. My hand blocks the light to make a shadow. - Kyran

I wonder how to make a puppet show with shadows? - Annabelle

I held the light and made a butterfly. - Abigail

We learned about the projector. I learned that we can make puppets with them. - Delilah

I like what we did today, making puppets. - Oliver

Readers: Where do you see shadows?
Do you know how to make a shadow puppet with your hand? We would love to hear from you!


Ms Couch said...

I see shadows when I am outside running with my dog. I like watching her shadow bounce and turn and run quickly! I know how to make a bunny and a dog shadow puppet. I would like to see how many shadow figures you can make with your hands.

Elisha said...

I do know how to make a shadow puppet with my hand, but I'm not very good at it. I wonder if we could look up on the internet how to make different animals with our hand shadows?

Mrs. Lowe said...

Thanks for your comments Ms. Couch and Elisha! So far, we have seen a dog, bunny and a crocodile. We would still love to learn more. Maybe Ms. Couch or "A" could teach us some more next week :)